Birthdays are celebrated
monthly at Tudor Village , and each month, it’s one of the volunteer’s jobs to plan a party for
all the kids whose birthday falls in that month. As a birthday party for November didn’t end
up happening, Abby and I combined the November and December kids into one
party. All the kids were about 10 years
or older, so we started thinking about what types of fun things we could do for
their party.
After finally arriving in
Moshi about an hour later, we had to walk about 30 minutes to the hotel we were
planning on swimming out. Only problem
was, we found out it was closed for a wedding.
Plan B was swimming at the local YMCA.
We paid about 30,000 shillings for fourteen of us to swim (two other
kids and an adult had been at the local hospital for tests so they were able to
join us).
Swimming suits in Tanzania are not your normal suits. They pretty much wear whatever they have
(shirt and shorts), so getting seven preteen to teen girls outfitted
appropriately for swimming was actually a bit of an ordeal. There was plenty of swapping shorts, giggles,
and then swapping again. Finally…we made
it to the pool around 4pm .
The kids had an amazing time
- laughing, splashing, trying to float and trying to drown. Abby and I had a great time having goose
bumps for the first time since we’d arrived in Tanzania .
We had to get out of the
pool at 5pm , as we have a 6pm -ish
(dark) curfew, but a pool party is a fantastic party in any country.
OMG! These kids will remember this FOREVER!