A few weeks after Abby and I got home from Light in Africa in 2010, I wrote Mama Lynn telling her how much I missed her and her kids, and what a hard time I was having adjusting back to my normal life. She responded with a very fitting Tanzanian proverb, “Once you get our red dirt under your toe nails, it itches until you’re able to come back”.
I can honestly say it’s true – not that I had itchy toe nails, (even when the red dirt was under them, yes – gross I know, but also very true), but that an experience like what Abby and I shared stays with you and reminds you constantly about what you’ve witnessed and what you’ve experienced.
That being said, Abby and I are very excited to officially announce we’re returning to Tanzania to volunteer with Light in Africa for five weeks this winter. We’ll arrive two days after Thanksgiving, and stay through Christmas.
So, even though our adventure isn’t for another few months, our works begins now. We've already purchased our flights, we've updated our to bring list, now – we’re onto fundraising.